Mountain View, CA 94041



PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE                                                              

DBA Digital Places, Mountain View, CA                                                (1998 - present)

Web 2.0 Strategy and Implementation Consulting


Knowledge Management program for FAA's JPDO Planning Office:   Led creation and ongoing operation of KM program for creating and promulgating collaboration practices and evolving applications of intranet tools supporting the JPDO program office. Supports over 800 people working on dozens of virtual teams. Software: Microsoft Sharepoint, CorasWorks, Lotus Notes, Lotus Domino applications, Webex.

Customer Community Development for FAA's JPDO Planning Office Led JPDO's online outreach to aviation industry segments (customers) with Web 2.0 collaborative website and recommended practices for developing community. Website provided a cost effective means to begin relationships with professionals in their target audience; it included capabilities to promote events; organize and deliver released materials and support discussions on the materials; preview un-released materials to specific segments of community, gather detailed feedback and disposition commentary. Software: Mambo, Joomla, ModX

IT and Knowledge Management requirements development for NASA Dryden Project:  led team developing functional requirements for the KM needs of this NASA project of 150 users in 7 organizations across more than 20 locations.  Included researching and developing tradeoffs among most major IT portal platforms: Websphere, WebLogic, Plumtree, Sharepoint as well as specialized applications e.g., Windchill, Groove, eRoom, etc.

Highly rated extranet service for NASA Dryden Project: led development, launch and operations of extranet service supporting 150 geographically distributed engineers & managers from NASA, Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman.  Achieved 80% regular usage across group and 95% strong or very strong rating for “service improved effectiveness of my work on this project.”   Software: Linux, Apache, MySql, Java; Windows Server, Zope/Plone, Python.

Director Operations and Technology for Project Connections: led development, and operations of this subscription website that provides content and community to corporate project managers.

Professional Services - Enterprise Portals for Real Communities - Mongoose Technologies: Advisor to Real Communities when aquired by Mongoose. Supported applications of their enterprise portal platform for community and collaborative solutions

Collaboration & Document Management - Requirements and Deployment for multiple clients under NDA - Assess cliients' business processes, identify direct needs, pain points, staff computer skills, etc., develop tiered requirements, solution alternatives, evaluate tradeoffs, recommend product/solution and implementation approach.

Papers and related work :


Fujitsu Software Corporation, San Jose, CA                                       (1994- 1998)

Executive Director, WorldsAway Products & Services  (1995 - 1998)


Director of Marketing, WorldsAway Products & Services  (1994-1995)



Graham Marketing Group                                                                    (1988- 1994)


Scientific MicroSystems, Mountain View, CA                                    (1986- 1988)

Division Marketing Manager             



Apple Computer, Inc., Cupertino, CA                                            (1982- 1985)

Sales Development & Program Manager  - Service & Support Division


Other Experience
