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Net Success
24 Leaders in Web Commerce Show You How to Put the Internet to Work for Your Business

Editors: Christina Ford Haylock and Len Muscarella
Publisher: Adams Media, 1999

Net Success shares the wisdom and experience of some of the most successful and most respected Internet pioneers -- the experts who made the Web work for business despite intense competition, volatile markets, and constantly changing technology.

The Virtual Community
Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier

Author: Howard Rheingold
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1993

This classic work defined the state of virtual communities through the 1980s and into the early 1990s. The author, an ardent participant in the Well community, details his and others community experiences. Published at the time that the web was just being born, the book foretold of the expansion of communities on the web.

Net Gain
Expanding Markets Through Virtual Communities

Authors: John Hagel III and Arthur G. Armstrong
Harvard Business School Press, 1997

This book offers a rich business perspective on virtual communities. It outlines five fundamental elements for virtual communities to be successful businesses. The authors detail their theory that virtual communities will become major economic forces which could topple the economic architectures of many industries.

Hosting Web Communities
Building Relationships, Increasing Customer Loyalty And Maintaining A Competitive Edge

Author: Figallo, Cliff
Publisher: Wiley, 1998

Hosting a successful Web community requires much planning and strategizing. Companies would do well to start with this top-notch guidebook, and save a lot of time. With a refreshingly practical perspective, this book provides all of the information on what it takes to plan, develop, and maintain an effective Web community.

Clicks, Culture, and the Creation of an Online Town
Author: Stacy Horn
Publisher: Warner Books, 1998

This is the story of ECHO, the virtual salon of New York city. Stacy has written a narrative about the personalities and dramas of her New York City based ECHO community. Through this book you gain insights, in an entertaining way, to the social dynamics of an online community.

In addition to the books list
ed above, David Woolley has assembled an excellent Virtual Communities Bookstore at His collection includes how-to books about building internet communities, as well as books about communities in the workplace and cyberculture in general.

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